Tuesday 27 October 2009

The Male Gaze

The Concept of gaze is one that deals with how an audience see thing presented mainly people.

There is a feminist theory to gaze, Laura Mulvey coined the term the Male Gaze in 1975 this basically means that "film audiences have to view character from the veiw of an hetrosexual male" The main features of the gaze are:

- The camera angles linger on the curves of the female body
- Events which occur to women are presented largely in the context of a mans reaction to these events
-Regulates women to the status of the objects. The female viewers must experience; the narrative secondary by identification with the male.

There are a few criticsms of Mulvey and the gaze theory, these are:

-Some women enjoy being looked at e.g beauty contests and models etc
-The Gaze can be directed at members of the same sex for many reasons as well as those of the opposite. such as in comparison at body image or in clothing.


  1. Ian.

    Remember to include the appraisal of your own work on your blog. This is essential as the exam board need to see that you are capable of reflecting on your own work.

    With all the theory you write up you must demonstrate that you are capable of using it. Try and pick a music video and apply the male gaze. Similarly start using scribd and upload class essays.
